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super() considered a case for dependency injection

In following of python super() considered harmfull and __super()__ considered __super()__ by Raymond Hettinger Blog Video I came to the idea to use it for dependency injection.


If you haven't seen and used __super()__ before, see the video from Hettinger or the docs.python . In short returns a object that delegates method calls to a parent or sibling of the same type.

Dependency Injection

For those unaware of the term Dependency Injection or DI for short. It is a pattern to to decouple dependencies (it can be a database, file, class or function) from a certain implementation. So it makes it easier to test or to change later on.

Reason to use __super()__

For a small project (<150 hrs) I was working on, I wanted to achieve the following - Write production code (obviously) - Write Tests (Unit and Integration) - Unit Tests should be independent from production - Writing tests should be easy - No clunky adjustment to production code in order to make the testing easy 1 - Unittest should be fast - Tests should be independent of production data

Overview of Excel Development tools

When working with Excel at some point it becomes easier to do you work with additional tools. While most of the work that is done within excel can be done within a plethora of other application and programming languages it is actively used. Within Europe it has a market share of over 90% in the corporate and governmental environment. No wonder there are some many tools created around microsoft's Excel application. In this article I'll summarize all the tools around Excel for developers and users that involve some kind of programming. And I'll try to group them within distinct categories.

I'll start listing the technologies as close to Excel as possible and expand outwards.